Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Macro: The art of the small details

Okay so I'm not great at this yet, I finally have a camera that is capable of close up photography.  I am used to composing larger still life setups, not delving in for detail.  This is a new approach that will take some time to perfect.  So far it's in the testing phase. 

I printed out several pictures yesterday, and I've found there is definitely a difference in how a picture looks either on the viewfinder or on the computer screen as opposed to the physical photograph.  James my husband picked out a few that he wants to draw, as have I.  He likes the pictures of our daughter, and I like the still life photos for future drawings/paintings. 

One thing I am fully aware of that will need to happen very shortly, is I need to get my tripod out and use it for all future macro photography.  Most of the photos that I took I had to delete due to blurring.  And if it is blurred on a small scale, it will be blurry blown up.  I'm finding that the pictures that I printed, they looked fine on my computer screen, but on close inspection of the finished photo, there is some minor blurriness. 

 I downloaded an app on my Ipad that was really neat, it's Photography 101, and has tons of informative lessons on how to get the camera to really do what you want.  I need to start studying that so I can improve.  My composition skills are not bad, but I am still unsure of my camera.  It has great features that I know so little about.  And the only way to really be a great artist and a great photographer, is to know your tools.  You have to learn how to use the tool so that you don't have to think about what you are doing, it needs to be second nature. And there are two ways to learn your tools thoroughly, one is by experimenting and pushing the creative envelope.  The other is to study, learn from others who are better than you, and pick up the skills they have to teach and put them into practice.  I look forward to blogging about what I learn.  Because what I learn and how I put the insight into words, may help someone else who is learning, just like me.

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